EMA Ryan White Planning Council, Boston Public Health Commission

Someone You Know & Love Campaign

Audio Chemists and Red Sofa Designs collaborated with the EMA Ryan White Planning Council’s Consumer Committee to develop the “Someone You Know & Love” campaign. The campaign culminated in the production of a video that illuminated the personal stories of People Living With HIV and the creation of a logo to be used on all campaign resources. The campaign aimed to combat stigma by dispelling harmful myths and celebrating the courage, determination, and spirit of each person featured in the video. The video won 1st prize in the 2021 International Conference on Stigma Art Contest.

Audio Chemists and Red Sofa Designs led all aspects of the production process for this campaign. This included the testing of different messages for the campaign with Ryan White Planning Council members, persona identification and testing, crafting of a creative brief, testing of logo designs and campaign slogan, and filming of interviews with participants.

The campaign website and video can be viewed at the following link: https://www.someoneyouknowandlove.com/watch-the-trailer

What we did


Abt Associates, Inc
